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    Be it considered that God hath committed His sheep to our Holy Father to be fed, not to be shorn....
    Complaint to Pope Gregory XI, 1376


    The photographs below illustrate a number of points of criticism of the Christian Church:

    • Financial priorities - how can any moral authority justify spending so much money on show, while every day Christians and others around the world dies of hunger and exposure
    • Why does the wearing of many different colourfull hats, shoes, robes and lacy frocks play such an important part in the Christian religion? Is it remotely plausible that any god might really be interested in this?
    • Why does His holiness the pope (and cardinals and bishops) need to wear clothes so impractical that they have to be carried by other senior churchmen, while His Holiness the Dalai Lama does not, and can stand up and sit down all on his own? And why do the two men wear such different facioal expressions?


    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire


    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire


    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire


    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire


    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire


    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire


    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire


    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire

    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire


    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire


    His Holiness, the highest moral authority on earth,
    along with a benighted pagan destined for eternal hell-fire






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    §. Eusebius for example cites an imperial letter (from Constantinus Augustus to Caecilian, Bishop of Carthage) making a grant of 3000 folles (a large amount of money) to churches. Eusebius, The History of the Church, 10:6.

    §. Whitehead, Church Law (under Tithes), p 322.

    §. In England, payment of 1000 marks per annum was ceded to the Pope by King John after he pledged feudal fealty. After various other taxes, annates were paid towards the end of the reign of Henry III. They were subsequently reclaimed by Henry VIII as the head of the Church in England. Later they were commuted into Queen Anne's Bounty.

    §. Runciman, A History of The Crusades, vol. 3, p 339, citing the Collectio de ScandalisEcclesiae, edited by Stroik, in Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, vol. XXIV7.

    §. For a brief history of the Churches" successful efforts at obtaining public money, see Tribe, 100 Years of Freethought, pp 182ff.

    §. Tribe, 100 Years of Freethought, pp 139-140.

    § Julius Purcell, “Threat to State Aid Alarms Spanish Bishops”, (p28) The Sunday Telegraph, 12 June 2005.

    §. "Putting Their Faith In Money", The Economist, p 51, 3 rd October 1987.

    §. Joachim Kahl, The Misery of Christianity (English translation by N. D. Smith), Penguin Books, p 184.

    §. Richard Owen, “ Vatican to Face Inquisition On Tax Pact With Italy”, World News, Irish Independent, 31 st August 2007.

    §. Schottenloher, Flugschriften aus den ersten Jahren der Reformation, (1911) IV, 7, pp 305ff cited by Uta Ranke-Heinemann, Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven, p 97.

    §. Daniell, Death and Burial in Medieval England, pp 122-3.

    §. The papal decree was issued on 23 rd August 1604 and published on 16 th January 1605, on which date three tribunals released 410 prisoners. See Lea, A History of the Inquisition of Spain, III, pp 267-70.

    §. Frayling, Vampyres, p 26.

    §. Deanesly, A History of the Medieval Church 590-1500, p 356.

    §. Michael Costen, The Cathars and the Albigensian Crusade, p 191.

    §. “Short-selling" church leaders accused of failing to practise what they preach” 26 September 2008 reported in The Times — see “ According to the Times in 2008 the Church of England held a £2.25bn portfolio of shares and agricultural land worth an estimated £237 million.

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