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    My choicest political adviser is God, who told me to run for the Presidency.
    Rev. Pat Robertson, quoted in the Church Times , March 1988


    When all countries lived under absolutist governments, the Churches enjoyed a much closer relationship with the State than they do in democratic societies. The Church happily accommodated some of the cruellest rulers in history.

    In recent centuries the Roman Church has always favoured authoritarian regimes that have allowed it privileges, while opposing liberal and democratic governments that have not. For example, in 1862 Pius IX concluded a concordat with the right-wing Roman Catholic President of Ecuador, who had achieved power through a coup against the liberal government. Roman Catholicism was to be the only religion permitted and was to be given a dominant role in the country's affairs. The Church was granted total control of education. This was the sort of arrangement that the Church would try to emulate wherever it could.

    As it still does today, the Church felt itself competent to give direction on political matters. Pius IX forbade Roman Catholics from engaging in Italy's new democratic process, either as candidates or voters. Pius's successor, Leo XIII (pope 1878-1903), was a keen critic of socialism and other political theories. His successor, Pius X, who reigned between 1903 and 1914, consistently criticised and suppressed liberal and socialist influences. On the other hand he was exceedingly tolerant of right-wing groupings such as Action Française in France and Azione Cattolica in Italy. Pope Pius XI (pope 1922-1939) had equally clear ideas about the suitability of national governments. He was a fierce opponent of communism. Much more acceptable were the politics of Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco, all of whom were Roman Catholics.

    In 1928 Pius reached an easy accommodation with Mussolini, under which civil divorce was not to be permitted in Italy. Under the terms of a concordat the following year, priests in Italy who left the Church were to be penalised, for example by being precluded from certain jobs. Under the terms of the Lateran Treaty, the Pope recognised the state of Italy with Rome as its capital, getting in return the Vatican City as an independent state, an indemnity for the loss of the Papal States, and an undertaking that Roman Catholicism should be the state religion of Italy. Catholicism became the only recognised religion in Italy with monopoly control over areas like births, education, marriages and deaths. Mussolini described the Pope as a "good Italian", and the Pope described Mussolini as “a man sent by Providence”. He also declared that the treaty had "given Italy back to God". Pius must have been highly impressed by Mussolini's ability, since he encouraged him to use it by invading and colonising Abyssinia (modern Ethiopia) in 1935. One of the justifications for carrying out various atrocities including the use of poison gas was the that local attachment to Monophysite belief — an early form of Christianity regarded by the Catholic Church as heretical.

    A Catholic political party “Catholic Action” was founded in Italy and emulated in Spain, Portugal and Croatia to promote Catholic and fascist interests. Extreme right wing movements were openly supported by the Catholic Church in Austria, Hungary and Slovakia. So too in the Republic of Ireland where the Blue Shirt Movement — modelled on Hitler's Brownshirts and Mussolini's Blackshirts — was dedicated equally to fascism and the Catholic Church, neither party regarding this as anything other than natural. Religious profession was part of the membership requirement. Blue Shirt volunteers fought for Franco during the Spanish Civil War.

    Franco enjoyed the most cordial relations with the papacy. The Pope had denounced the separation of Church and State in Republican Spain and supported Franco when he started the Spanish Civil War in 1936. For his part Franco felt himself to have been appointed by God, and considered the civil war to be a holy war. A devout Christian, he persecuted atheists and habitually carried around the mummified arm of St Theresa of Ávila. He even granted the Blessed Virgin Mary the rank of Field Marshal in the Spanish army. The Roman Church supported Franco throughout. His overthrow of the elected government was hailed as La Crujada — “the Crusade”.

    Anti Falangist propaganda in Spain clearly linked Christianity (represented by the bishop's mitre) with Nazism (represented by the swastica) and fascism (represented by the fasces-bomb, and with blood-shed and death.

    When Franco won his holy Crujada, Pius XII (pope 1939-1958) sent him a telegram congratulating him on his "Catholic victory". Divorce became illegal, adultery became a criminal offence, and religious education was made compulsory, with the Church controlling the textbooks. Children had to be given at least one name with adequate religious connotations. Some 25,000 civil marriages were declared invalid. A concordat with the Vatican in 1953 made it illegal to publish works of religion or philosophy without the approval of the Roman Catholic Church.

    The Church had a slightly less easy time with Nazi Germany yet did not find too much difficulty with the relationship. In 1933 the Roman Catholic bishops in Germany, at a conference at Fulda, voted down a resolution critical of Nazism. Instead they issued a pastoral letter expressing gratitude to Hitler for his moral stance, their ideas of morality being concerned with matters like family planning and mixed bathing1. Like many other Christian leaders, Cardinal Faulhaber thought Hitler to be a good Christian, although he had doubts about some of his "evil associates".

    In general, the Roman Church adopted a positive attitude towards Hitler's regime. As soon as he came to power in 1933 Rome advised that there would be no support for any policy of opposition. A concordat between Germany and Rome concluded in the same year reassured Roman Catholics that the German State was legitimate and acceptable. Pope Pius XI had little difficulty in negotiating his concordat with Nazi Germany. It followed an established authoritarian model of the Lateran treaties2. It explicitly documented the symbiotic relationship between Church and State, binding them together in the traditional manner. Article 16, for example, included a bishops" oath of loyalty to the State, and Article 30 a prayer for the Third Reich3. As a Roman Catholic himself, Hitler made basic decisions concerning the Roman Catholic Church personally, leaving the Protestant Churches to his Protestant colleagues. No Christian Church seriously opposed Hitler, and many supported him. Some even regarded him as a new redeemer, sent by God. In 1936 Hitler warned Cardinal Faulhaber that: "unless National Socialism gets the better of Bolshevism, all is up in Europe for Christianity and the Church"4.

    Priests salute Hitler at a Catholic youth rally in the Berlin-Neukölln stadium in August 1933

    Hitler had been brought up as a Roman Catholic, and would certainly have absorbed anti-Semitism from his earliest years. In a speech made in April 1922 he had spoken about his own Christian feelings5, and said that it was not merely possible for a Christian to be anti-Semitic, it was necessary for a Christian to be anti-Semitic6. Again, he wrote in Mein Kampf:

    "…I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the word of the Lord"7.

    Nazi ideas about the Jews and measures against them were not the invention of contemporary minds, they were what the Church had been saying and doing for centuries. There was nothing at all new in Nazi anti-Semitism. It was simply repackaged traditional Christian anti-Semitism. Within Hitler's lifetime the Jesuit Order's statutes prohibited membership to anyone failed to prove that he had no “Jewish blood” within five generations. This was cited in the 1930s by both Nazis and Italian Fascists in support of their anti-Semitic ideas.

    Neither were Hitler's intentions secret. He promised the annihilation of the Jews for example in a well documented speech on 30 January 1939. His whole panoply of persecution was founded on Christian precedents. Hitler's Nuremberg laws of 1935 had been modelled in part on the decrees of Popes Innocent III and Paul IV. Jews were once again deprived of civil rights, and marriage between German Christians and Jews was once again forbidden. When the Nazis confined Jews to specified districts they consciously called those districts ghettos, maintaining respectability by emphasising that what they were doing was exactly what the Roman Church had done. The link was explicit. Before the war Hitler had boasted to Bishop Berning of Osnabrück that he would do nothing that the Church had not done for 1,500 years8.

    The Church at Neisse in Silesia (modern-day Nysa in southwest Poland). An oven here was a forerunner of the ovens used in Nazi concentration camps. During a nine-year period In mid-17th-century Neisse, more than two thousand girls and women, and at least two babies, were roasted to death in this heavily Catholic town
    (Karen Farrington, Punishment and Torture, Bounty Books, 2001)


    Victims of the Inquisition being put into ovens to be roasted alive. Most victims were Jews.


    Before the Holocaust Hitler had encouraged the expulsion of Jews from Germany, just as Pope Leo VII had done in 937, almost exactly 1,000 years before. Denial of citizenship to Jews dated from the earliest days of Christian power. So too the denial of civil rights and the restrictions on practising medicine. Public humiliation of old Jews was another traditional Christian pastime. Nor did the Nazis invent the idea of making Jews wear distinctive badges; they simply adopted Church practices, even down to the colour yellow. Other minority groups had also been forced to wear distinctive "badges of infamy" by the Church, and new minorities were obliged to wear them under the Nazis. The SS used much the same propaganda techniques to whip up hatred against the Jews as the Dominicans and Franciscans had used for centuries. It was no accident that the belt-buckle of the German army uniform bore the legend Gott Mit Uns.

    This 1930's poster borrows from a standard Christian image, where heavenly light from a dove
    (representing the Holy Spirit) falls upon a particularly holy figure favoured by God.

    Although Christian statues were left alone, bronze statues of people the Church did not like were melted down to help the Nazis for the war effort. A notable example was a statue of the Chevalier de la Barre, a youth who had been tortured, mutilated and executed at the instigation of the Church in 1766, whose statue was melted down for munitions in 1941. The traditional Christian blood libel against the Jews was revived. In 1934 Der Stürmer, in its 18 th edition, carried a front-page article under the headline Jüdischer Mordplan (Jewish Death-plot), with an illustration showing Jews draining blood from the throats of blonde-haired infants with Christian crosses in the background. This was just 20 years after the Vatican itself had stopped propagating the blood-libel in its own newspapers9. Another Church has since reprinted the same accusation — and indeed the whole of the 18 th Edition of Der Stürmer — in English10.

    Front page, Der Stürmer, 18th Ed
    This edition repeats the traditional Catholic Blood-libel, referring to a "Jewish death-plan".
    The illustration shows charactured Jews with knives cutting the throats of angelic blond-haired Christian children. Note the Christian crosses in the background on the left.


    In medieval times beneficiaries of Church justice had been obliged to don sulphur shirts in order to help them burn in purpose-built furnaces. The Nazis used the same basic idea, but carried it out moreefficiently with gas chambers and crematoria. Towns boasted in Nazi times that they were free of Jews (Judenrein), just as they had done in medieval times. The concept of collective guilt, the burning of books, the destruction of synagogues — all were traditional Christian ideas and practices promoted by the Holy Mother Church and validated by men like Luther.

    While the encyclical Divini redemptoris explicitly condemned communism in Russia, Mexico and Spain, a simultaneous encyclical directed at German Roman Catholics, MIT brennender Sorge failed to make any explicit criticism of Nazism and consequently had little if any impact. Article 24 of the Nazi party programme stated explicitly that "The party as such represents the standpoint of a positive Christianity", and its protection was guaranteed. When Nazi Germany seized Czechoslovakia in 1939, the recently elected Pope Pius XII refused to criticise the seizure, describing it as one of the "historic processes in which, from the political point of view, the Church is not interested". The following month, both Roman Catholic and Protestant church bells rang out in celebration of Hitler's 50 th birthday, and Cardinal Bertram sent him a congratulatory telegram.

    The fact that the swastica is a traditional adaptation of a cross, did not escape cartoonists


    Throughout the war, Church bells were to ring out not only for Hitler's birthday but also for each of his victories, at least until the bells had to be melted down to help the Nazi war effort. When Hitler incorporated Austria into Nazi Germany he was greeted in Vienna by Cardinal Innitzer, who proclaimed the Anschluss to have been ordained by divine providence. Hitler himself on occasion referred to the divine providence that controlled his actions11. Here he is in one of his speeches justifying his anti-Semitism::

    My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Saviour as a fighter…In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read the passage that tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison.... 12

    In 1939 and 1940 Pope Pius XII and a number of bishops were unusually fulsome in their birthday greetings to the Führer. On Hitler's 51 st birthday, 20 th April 1940, Cardinal Bertram conveyed "warmest congratulations" in the name of all bishops in Germany, and assured Hitler that these congratulations were associated with the "fervent prayers which the Catholics of Germany are sending to Heaven on their altars on 20 th April for Volk, army and Fatherland, for state and Führer"13, a sentiment that was to be echoed on subsequent birthdays until Hitler's suicide. When he heard of Hitler's death in 1945, the Cardinal, writing in his own hand, instructed all priests in his archdiocese "to hold a solemn requiem in memory of the Führer and all those members of the Wehrmacht who have fallen in the struggle for our German Fatherland.... "14. According to Roman Catholic canon law at the time, a solemn requiem could be held only for a public concern of the Church. Unlike the invasion of Czechoslovakia, this was an historical process in which the Church was interested.


    A Nazi propaganda poster - A Nazi party member draped in the Nazi flag, is threatened by a multi-headed Jewish snake, and supported and encouraged by a ghostly Christian knight with a halo, emphasising the godly and historic nature of German Christian enmity against the Jews..

    It is no coincidence that the groups who suffered most under the Third Reich were precisely the groups traditionally persecuted under Christianity — Jews, homosexuals, the physically and mentally handicapped, gypsies, and other dissenters from the current orthodoxy. Jehovah's Witnesses, and others who were killed for their beliefs by the Nazis, can be seen as successors to the heretics who were killed for refusing to swear allegiance and for refusing to enlist in armies or fight in wars.

    Pius XII, though nominally neutral, seemed to many to favour the Axis powers during World War II. He could not bring himself to criticise Nazi atrocities. Nor did he see fit to criticise the many bishops and priests who supported the Nazis and collaborated with them. After the war the Pope's behaviour was explained by loyal Roman Catholics in a number of ways: the Pope had not known about the atrocities, or he had known but had felt unable to speak out because he did not interfere in political matters, or he had more important matters to deal with, or alternatively he could not make a stand because of the vulnerability of the Vatican — it was better for the Church to sit out this time of difficulty so that he would be of help after the war had finished. All of these arguments are untenable15. In the first place the Vatican knew full well about Nazi atrocities. At one stage Vatican radio broadcasters had criticised them, but the Nazis had complained and the criticism immediately ceased. Jan Karski and the President of Poland, on behalf of the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto, asked the Pope to excommunicate those responsible for persecution and murder. The answer was no. The mass murder of Jews was reported directly to the Pope by Gerhardt Reigner, but again no action was taken. When the US government asked the Vatican whether it could confirm information about genocide the Vatican refused to do so. Joseph Goebbels had been excommunicated for marrying a divorced Protestant., but not a single Catholic was ever excommunicated for participating in war crimes, though practicing Catholics made up about 30% of the army and 25% of the SS. (The balance was made up of members of other Christian denominations). Except for Jehovah's Witnesses it is difficult to find more than a handful of Axis Christians whose behaviour approached what might reasonably have been expected of all Christians - which explains why the same few names (Deitrich Bonhoffer, Martin Niemoller, etc.) are invariably cited by apologists.

    The story about the Pope not wanting to interfere in politics is also difficult to sustain: there has never been a time since the creation of the papacy that it has not been actively involved in the politics of numerous countries. Many people have been excommunicated for purely political reasons, and there were adequate grounds for excommunicating Hitler and his government. (It is noteworthy that the Pope frequently threatened to excommunicate communists because of their beliefs.) Furthermore the Pope took an active interest in the conduct of the war and felt free to speak about it. For example he was quite prepared to speak out against the allies when he thought they might bomb Rome.

    The argument that the Holocaust was relatively unimportant to the Pope is also difficult to sustain in view of other matters that were occupying his time. He was, for example, concerned about the danger of black men on his property. When Rome was liberated he asked the allies not to use black soldiers to garrison the Vatican. Finally the excuse that his personal safety was necessary for the survival of the Church cannot be sustained. The Pope could have given implicit guidance, even if he feared to give explicit guidance. He could for example have stated that the injunction to love thy neighbour as thyself applies to all neighbours, not merely Christian ones. He could have stated that there are circumstances when military orders can justly be disobeyed. He could have pointed out that Mary, Jesus and the apostles were all Jewish. He could have said that mass murder was contrary to one of the Ten Commandments. He could have done any of these things without endangering himself in the least. Also, apart from any ethical considerations it is a fact that Pius kept silent even after Rome was safe, the allies were winning and Germany was on the defensive. The bald fact is that the papacy was far more sympathetic to the Nazis and fascists than to the democracies. Only after the War was lost, Hitler dead and world opinion unanimous did the Pope disclose to his college of cardinals that Nazism had been a "Satanic spectre" and an "arrogant apostasy from Jesus Christ".

    Pius had also enjoyed friendly relations with Pétain's Vichy government, Pétain being another keen Roman Catholic leader with a taste for exterminating Jews and other minorities. Marshal Pétain and his government were appointed in July 1940 by an overwhelming vote in the democratically elected French Parliament. Under this government Jews were rounded up by French police, herded into cattle trucks and sent to Nazi death camps. Altogether, over 70,000 French Jews were seen off by their Christian neighbours, never to return. Although he failed to criticise such atrocities, the Pope did again manage to find time to condemn communism. He also found time to deplore the surrender terms demanded by the allies at Casablanca. Even after the war Pius never quite found the time to make public statements about Nazism, genocide, atomic weapons or global war. He was occupied with matters such as the bodily Assumption of Mary into Heaven, which he was to proclaim in Munificentissimus deus in 1950.

    "When you see a cross". This is a page from the anti-Semitic German children's book, "Der Giftpilz" (The Poisonous Mushroom). The text reads, "When you see a cross, then think of the horrible murder by the Jews on Golgotha...". This line of thought has a continuous history in Christian Europe for centuries - it was not invented by the Nazi's, merely adopted by them from mainstream Christian teaching.

    Significantly, none of the mainstream Churches spoke out against the excesses of Nazism — true enough they protested loudly about the removal of crucifixes from schoolroom walls, but with the arguable exception of euthanasia, they lodged no objections and made no public criticism of the invasions of successive countries, the suppression of free speech, the abrogation of democracy, judicial murders, or concentration camps. They did however offer prayers to the Lord of Battles for the Führer's victory.

    Since the end of the war the German bishops have consistently failed to acknowledge their role in the success of Nazi persecutions, a fact that keeps alive a great deal of bitterness in Germany and elsewhere. In recent years the German Roman Catholic bishops have edged nearer to admitting their complicity in Nazism, but their failure to make any sort of clear unambiguous admission continues to irritate and anger many.

    The Religious Affiliation of Nazi and Fascist Dictators, their puppets, Quislings and Collaborators

    Father Joseph Tiso, leading Nazi murderer, executed for his crimes in 1946Throughout Europe, Roman Catholic groups carried out atrocities during World War II. The Croat Ustaša, who were overwhelmingly Roman Catholic, ultra-nationalist and fascist, outdid the Nazis in their barbarism against Orthodox Serbs and partisans, and assisted in exterminating Jews. Some of their leaders, who together were responsible for hundreds of thousands of murders, were Franciscans. One, the commandant of Jasenovac concentration camp , known as "Brother Devil", accounted for 40,000 lives or more. Other churchmen also found common cause with the Nazis. The President of Slovakia, Joseph Tiso, was a leading Nazi responsible for setting up concentration camps in his country. But this was not his only vocation, for President Tiso was also a Roman Catholic priest. He was executed for his crimes in 1946.

    Other bishops and priests were responsible for many thousands of deaths, having collaborated freely with the Nazi authorities. Here is Dr Joachim Kahl, an ex-pastor and German Church historian on the Roman Catholic fascist movement in Croatia that flourished between 1941 and 1944:

    The Ustaša, as this terrorist organisation was called, was responsible for the forcible conversion of some 240,000 Orthodox Serbs to Roman Catholicism and for putting about 750,000 of these people to death. There was, from the beginning, close collaboration between the Catholic clergy and the Ustaša. Archbishop Stepinać, whom the Vatican appointed in 1942 to be the spiritual leader of the Ustaša, had a place, together with ten of his clergy, in the Ustaša Parliament. Priests were also employed as police chiefs and as officers in the personal body-guard of the fanatical Croatian head of state, Pavelić. Nuns marched in military parades immediately behind the soldiers, their arms raised in the fascist salute. Abbesses were decorated with the Ustaša order. The most cruel part of this movement was played, however, by the Franciscans, whose monasteries had for some time been used as arsenals. Several monks and priests agreed to work as executioners in the hastily set up concentration camps to which the Orthodox Serbs were sent for mass execution by decapitation. These massacres were so brutal that even Croatia's allies, the German Nazis, protested against them and petitions were sent to the Vatican. Pope Pius XII, however, said nothing, just as he also said nothing about Auschwitz. It was not until some ten years later, in 1953, that he broke his silence by promoting Archbishop Stepinać, who, as one of those bearing the greatest guilt, had been sentenced by the Supreme People's Court of Yugoslavia to sixteen years" forced labour, to the rank of Cardinal for his "great services" to the Church16.

    Cardinal Stepinać, Archbishop of Zagreb, had been imprisoned on charges of collaboration. In the Ukraine, the Uniate Church (which owes allegiance to Rome) was similarly associated with Nazism. A number of Uniate bishops were arrested after the war, convicted as collaborators, and given long prison sentences.

    A former inmate of the Jasenovac concentration camp, Egon Berger, described the following atrocity, by the camp commander, a Cathalic priest called Miroslav Filopovic-Majstorovic:

    The priestly face of Fra Majstorovic, all made-up and powdered, dressed in an elegant suit an green hunter's hat, watched with delight the victims. He approached the children, even stroked their heads. The company was joined Ljubo Milos and Ivica Matkovic. Fra Majstorovic told the mothers there will now will be a baptism for their children. They took the children from the mothers, the child whom Father Majstorovic was carrying, in his child's innocence caressed the painted face of his killer. The mothers, distraught, perceived the situation. They offered their lives for mercy for the children. Two children were placed on the ground, while the third was thrown like a ball into the air, and Fr Majstorovic, holding a dagger upwards, missed three times, while the fourth time with a joke and a laugh, a child was impaled on the dagger. Mothers began throwing themselves on the ground, pulling their hair, and began to shout terribly. Ustasha guards of the 14th Osijek Company took them away and killed them. When all three children were so brutally killed, these three two-legged beasts exchanged money, because they seem to have a bet on who would the first to stick a dagger in a child.16a.



    Pope Pius XII had been happy enough to meet Ante Pavelić in 1941, after his murder spree. (It was this meeting that caused a British official in the Foreign Office to describe the pope as “the greatest moral coward of our age”).

    Archbishop Stepinac with the Ustashi, the organisation that out-nazi'd the Nazi's,

    Towards the end of World War II, the Vatican helped Nazi War criminals to escape prosecution by issuing them with false passports and moving them to safe countries. In one known case (that of Paul Touvier, to which we will return) a convicted criminal was moved from one European state to another over 30 years, entering countries illegally and taking refuge in Church institutions. More usually, such criminals were transferred to the safety of Roman Catholic countries. Often they were sheltered in monasteries, until Red Cross passports could be obtained, and then taken to countries such as Spain and Argentina17. Sometimes they were dressed as priests for the journey18. A parallel "gold-line" funded this so-called "rat-line". Gold taken from Jews, Serbs and gypsies was spirited to the Vatican where it financed the work of saving alleged and convicted war criminals19. The Vatican provided passports, bogus documents, money, shelter and cover stories along with an international network of sympathetic contacts. Vatican reticence on the matter has been largely due to the fact that the men responsible held high office in the Vatican up to the late 1980s at least. This was confirmed in 1988 by Cardinal Franz König, who knew two such men personally, although he declined to name them20.

    Such admissions are untypical within the Church. More usual is the pattern of denial and obstruction. A similar case arose in 2005 in respect to events connected to the break up of Yugoslavia in the 1990's . The Church was suspected of sheltering Ante Gotovina who had been charged with crimes against humanity. He was wanted in connection with murder and the deportation of up to 200,000 people during a Croatian offensive, Operation Storm, in 1995. The UN prosecutor Carla del Ponte believed the Croatian Church to be hiding him in a Franciscan monastery. The Pope declined to answer her letters. The Vatican said it had no intelligence. A spokesman for the Croatian bishops" conference commented that “A Franciscan monastery is a broad definition. She always has information, but she can"t say where” — suggesting that they were not prepared even to make inquiries. Del Ponte had no doubt that the Vatican could have found out where Gotovina was hiding in a few days if it had wanted to and commented publicly that “The Vatican refuses totally to cooperate with us”21. (The case mirrors that of Radovan Karadzic, a Bosnian Serb war criminal from the opposing side, who sought refuge from UN prosecutors among Orthodox Christian monks in Montenegro22)

    Within the Roman Catholic Church, explicit support for extreme right-wing organisations is still common. In France, Masses are still said for Marshal Pétain, and leaflets for Jean Marie Le Pen's National Front are available at church doors23. The Church also looks on neo-fascists in Italy with a kindly tolerance. When Giorgino Almirante, leader of the MSI fascist party, died in 1988 his body was borne in state to the church of Sant"Agnese in Agone in Rome. After rousing shouts of "Duce! Duce!" from the crowd of 10,000 and a hail of salutes from as many straight right arms, the body was led into the church by the new Neo-fascist leader. There, eight priests waited to perform the funeral Mass amid the fascist political banners hung around the altar. The sermon faithfully reflected the dead man's political views, incorporating as it did quotations from his lifetime of fascist thought24.

    Elsewhere, the Vatican has frequently lent support to right-wing groups. In 1946 Cardinal Mindszenty organised a plot with the help of the fascist Arrow Cross and Cardinal Spellman to overthrow the Hungarian government. Fascism has had a good friend in the Roman Catholic Church. Senior churchmen have supported every right-wing dictatorship — from Spain under Franco and Portugal under Salazar to various South American dictatorships under their military juntas.

    These are members of the Teutonic Order. It is a Christian order of Crusader-Monks similar to the Templars and the Hospitallers, but created to fight and kill pagans. It is still in existence.
    The man on the right is wearing a Priesterkreuz of the Deutschen Ordens


    Close up of a Teutonic Order cross and a Priesterkreuz


    A Nazi Iron Cross - clearly and deliberately based on the Christian cross of the Teutonic Order.
    In 1219 the Kingdom of Jerusalem granted the Teutonic Order the right to
    combine the Teutonic Black Cross with a Cross of Jerusalem


    The position of Protestants is little better than that of the Roman Catholics. Luther had stated that the Bible confirms the right of the State to rule by force, and described this as a benevolent provision of God. Protestants were thus happy to accept a Nazi dictatorship and collaborated with Nazis just as much as their Roman Catholic brethren. On 3 rd April 1933 German Protestants, at the first National Conference of the Faith Movement, affirmed in a resolution that for a German the Church is a community of believers who are under an obligation to fight for a Christian Germany. In the 1930s Deutsche Christen, who found Nazism and Christianity to be perfectly compatible, became the largest Protestant faction. They were led by Reichsbischof Ludwig Müller, a favourite of Hitler, who regarded the Führer and the Nazis as "presents from God". Their motto was "The swastika on our breasts; the cross on our hearts". Their synods passed Aryan legislation. They sang Nazi hymns. Nazi flags hung in their churches. Their pastors wore Nazi uniforms. Their Church was an arm of the State. Like the Roman Catholic Church they were funded by the State, and benefited from public taxation. Protestant Churches advocated obedience towards the Führer, and gave prayers for him and for the Third Reich. Congregations gave Nazi salutes in Church. Bishops asked for God's blessing for those who accepted the Führer's call. After the failed attempt on Hitler's life on 20 th July 1944, the Clergy Council of the German Evangelical Church sent a telegram to him that said "Thanksgiving is being offered in all the Protestant Churches of Germany for God's gracious protection and his manifest preservation.... " Roman Catholic leaders did the same. Cardinal, Michael von Faulhaber Archbishop of Munich (who later ordained Joseph Ratzinger) sent a telegram instructing that a Te Deum be sung in the cathedral of Munich, "to thank Divine Providence in the name of the archdiocese for the Führer's fortunate escape." The Pope also sent his special personal congratulations.25.

    Some Christians have attempted to portray Hitler and the Nazi Party as atheistic. In fact the nazi's were wholly opposed to atheism, believing it to be associated with communism. Hitler outlawed atheistic and freethinking groups in Germany in the Spring of 1933, immediately after the Enabling Act was passed, authorising Hitler to rule by decree.

    The largest freethought group, The German Freethinkers League, was swept away along with smaller freethought and atheist groups throughout Germany.

    No mainstream Church offered any significant opposition to the Nazis. Few evangelical pastors were imprisoned at all for opposing the Nazi State. Amongst Roman Catholic bishops one was expelled from his see, and another served a short term for currency offences. Hardly any churchmen of any denomination spoke out against the evils of Nazism.


    New York Times, May 14, 1933, page 2,

    Atheist Hall Converted
    [into religious hall]
    Berlin Churches Establish Bureau to Win Back Worshippers

    BERLIN, May 13. - In Freethinkers Hall, which before the Nazi resurgence was the national headquarters of the German Freethinkers League, the Berlin Protestant church authorities have opened a bureau for advice to the public in church matters. Its chief object is to win back former churchgoers and assist those who have not previously belonged to any religious congregation in obtaining church membership. The German Freethinkers League, which was swept away by the national revolution, was the largest of such organizations in Germany. It had about 500,000 members . . . "

    For political reasons, Church governments often refused to show solidarity with those who had been arrested and condemned for opposing the Nazi government26. As Konrad Adenauer later wrote to one pastor:

    I believe that if all the bishops had together made public statements from the pulpits on a particular day, they could have prevented a great deal. That did not happen, and there is no excuse for it. It would have been no bad thing if the bishops had all been put in prison or in a concentration camp as a result. Quite the contrary. But none of that happened and therefore it is best to keep quiet27.

    Nazi and Fascist sympathisers within the Catholic Church were not confined to countries with right-wing governments. Anti-Semitic priests were vocal in countries such as Ireland and the USA. For example more than 30,000,000 in the USA listened to the anti-Semitic weekly radio broadcasts of a Catholic priest, Father Charles Edward Coughlin during the 1930s. In 1934 Coughlin announced a new political organisation called the National Union for Social Justice - clearly imitating the National Socialists. Its membership ran into the millions. Coughlin used his radio program to attack Jewish bankers and express anti-Semitic views, and to support policies of Hitler and Mussolini. These broadcasts have been called "a variation of the Fascist agenda applied to American culture". He had no doubt that he knew God's mind on a range of issues, announcing that "The New Deal is Christ's Deal". In January 1934, he testified before Congress that "God is directing President Roosevelt."

    Curiously, given God's explicit guidance on the matter, Coughlin later changed his mind and distanced himself from God's chosen president. His radio programs preached more and more about the negative influence of "money changers", communists and Jews. After the 1936 election, Coughlin expressed ever-increasing support for the governments of Hitler and Mussolini as an antidote to Communism, and the Jewish bankers he believed to be behind the Russian Revolution. He promoted his beliefs through an anti-Semitic weekly magazine, Social Justice, which began publication in March, 1936. In 1938, Social Justice reprinted the fraudulent text known as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

    The Roosevelt administration finally forced the cancellation of his radio program and forbade the dissemination through the post of his newspaper, Social Justice. After 1936, Coughlin began supporting an organisation called the Christian Front, which claimed him as an inspiration. In January 1940, a New York City unit of the Christian Front was raided by the FBI for plotting to overthrow the government. Coughlin's superior, Bishop Michael Gallagher of Detroit supported Coughlin, the "Radio Priest", and no one else in the Church made any attempt to curb his anti-Semitism, either because they agreed with him or because of the fear of schism if they tried.

    After the outbreak of War in September 1939, ("The Jews' War") the USA sided increasingly with the Allied Powers against the Axis powers. Coughlin's opposition to the repeal of an arms-embargo law (ending the USA's neutrality) made him unpopular, and triggered successful efforts to force him off the air as anti-Semitism lost its popular appeal to mainstream Catholics. Roy Carlson, who infiltrated and exposed U.S. fascist groups said: "Coughlin filled the pages of Social Justice with Hitler's sewer-spawned lies. He made direct use of Goebbels' speeches, quoting the Nazi almost word-for-word" (Carlson, Under Cover, 1943). Father Coughlin was not an eccentric maverick. He was just the most popular of a host of contemporary anti-Semitic Christian priests and ministers - and his views are not altogether abandoned. It is not difficult to find Catholic websites that consider him a saint.

    A Nazi propaganda poster showing a Russian soldier crushing the the Christian cross of Nazi Germany and other Axis powers (carrying their national flags)


    During the latter part of the twentieth century, the Roman Church in much of South America abandoned its traditional right-wing friends and, to the annoyance of the Vatican, espoused Liberation Theology, a system of thought verging on Marxism. While some priests and bishops supported revolutionaries, their traditionalist superiors were conspiring with their right-wing associates to murder their more liberal fellow clergymen (see below). Meanwhile the traditional role of supporting dictatorships anf juntas has been taken over by Baptists and other evangelists from the USA, who find that their God has a strong affinity for dictatorships.

    Sociological studies have frequently noted the tie between Protestant fundamentalism and extreme right-wing politics in the USA (and sometimes between Roman Catholic fundamentalism and extreme right-wing politics). One study showed that Protestant fundamentalists accounted for much of the support given to George Wallace in the 1968 presidential election in the USA28. Extreme right-wing politics are espoused by fervent Christian organisations like the Ku Klux Klan, the John Birch Society (an extremist group named after a Baptist missionary), and many others28a. The affection between religion and extreme politics is mutual. As one commentator has observed: "All right-wing dictatorships today have established churches of one world religion or another. Traditional anti-Semitic churchmen are frequently quoted by Christian neo-Nazis29. The only political party in Britain that decrees religious allegiance for its members is the Nazi Party"30.

    As we have seen, both Catholics and Protestants, were complicit in supporting Nazism and its promotion of traditional Christian anti-semitism. Yet today, Church leaders are keen to forget this and present themselves as victims of the Nazis, who are various presented as pagans or atheists. On a number of occasions, Churches have been even more perfidious, secretly complicit in persecuting its own members while simultaneously representing itself as the victim of persecution. This has been happening for centuries. A couple of notable examples include the supposed persecution of the Orthodox Church during the Soviet period. After the fall of Communism secret police files were made public which revealed that members of the Orthodox hierarchy had been in league with the Communist regime, and had been paid for actively informing on the Church's own members.

    Another example is provided by the Catholic church in Argentina, which backed the military government in Argentina during the "Dirty War", and called for their followers to be patriotic. (It also facilitated the adoption of babies by friends of the regime, the babies having been stolen from their left-wing oponents). In 2013 when a court in Argentina found that the Catholic Church had been complicit in persecuting left-wing Catholics - and was implicated in the murder and mutilation of its own priests. The Court also noted that the Church was still refusing to assist in the state's criminal investigations.31.

    The Church had previously cited these same murders as examples of the outrageous treatment of its members. When a left wing bishop, Enrique Angelelli, was murdered after celebrating a mass for two murdered priests, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio described Angelelli as a martyr - a small reproach to the junta for overstepping itself.

    A Catholic bishop shown operating right-wing puppets responsible for the murder of left-wing Catholic priests in Argentina.


    Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, later Pope Francis, was not without personal criticism for his own role. He had been one of the senior members of the Catholic hierarchy which collaborated with right-wing military junta. He had been head of the Jesuit order from 1973 to 1979. By dismissing left-wing priests from the order, he signalled to the dictators that they could be arrested. The two priests, Orlando Yorio and Francisco Jalics were kidnapped by government forces on May 23, 1976, imprisoned for five months at clandestine detention center, tortured, and later found drugged and semi-naked in a field. According to the priests, they had been dismissed from the Jesuit order by Jorge Mario Bergoglio for having ministered to residents of the slums. (Residents of the slums were apparently regarded as too left-wing for Jesuits). A 1995 memoir by Father Jalics, accuses Father Bergoglio of betraying the two priests.

    In 2000 the Argentine Catholic church made one of its famously ambiguous public apologies "We want to confess before God everything we have done badly" Argentina's Episcopal Conference said at that time, without mentioning what those things were. Confession to ordinary Argentinians - even to a court under oath - was not considered necessary. Ten years later Bergoglio twice refused to testify in court about his role while he was head of the Jesuit order. When he eventually appeared in court in 2010, he was described by lawyers as being evasive.

    The right-wing British National Party, like most right-wing European political parties,
    explicitly identifies itself with traditional Christianity
    Poster for Elections to the European Parliament 4 June 2009


    This cartoon was published on 12 August 2008 on the website of Heinz-Christian Strache Chairman of the The Freedom Party of Austria, a right-wing christian political party in Austria. It is idealogically identical to numerous anti-semitic Nazi cartoons.


    Poe's law, named after its author Nathan Poe, states that without a clear indication of the author's intent, it is difficult to tell the difference between an expression of sincere extremism and a parody of extremism. You might guess that this illustration is a spoof, but it is not. Paster Pete said things even more extreme than this!


    Bernard Partridge Cartoon, Punch Magazine 8 April 1942 (or 4 August?)
    The caption reads "Be a good boy Boris and you shall put up this cross in Constantinople"


    Another Cartoon representing the swastiks as an elaborated cross. John Heartfield, 1933
    The text says (in German)
    Zur Grundung der detchen staatskirhe. Das Kreuz war noch nicht schwer genug.
    (On the founding of the [German] state Church. The cross still wasn't heavy enough)




    Photo gallery - Extreme Right Wing Protestant Christians


    Klansmen in Washington in 1925


    40,000 Klansmen march on Washington, 1925


    Reichsbishop Ludwig Müller head of the Nazi-Protestant Church, photographed in Berlin, 1934


    National Bishop Friedrich Coch giving a Hitler greeting in Dresden, 10 December 1933. Coch was one of the leading men of the Deutsche Christen in Saxony. He was elected to the office of state bishop by the "Brown Synod" in August 1933.


    Installation of Ludwig Müller. He headed the German Christians (Deutsche Christen) and became Landesbischof (bishop) of the Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union (6 July 1933) and Reich's Bishop (28 June 1933) of the German Evangelical Church (Deutsche Evangelische Kirche).


    A procession of Deutsche Christen bishops in front of the Berlin Cathedral, 23 September, 1934. Members in party and SA uniforms carry Deutsche Christen banners, while pastors follow in the rear. SS guards stand to attention as they pass.


    Photo gallery - Extreme Right Wing Catholic Christians


    Catholic Clergy giving the Nazi Salute


    Cardinal Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII)


    Signing the Concordat between the Vatican and the Nazis, 20 July 1933. As the Nazi Franz von Papen, said, "The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy." As far as the Vatican is concerned, a government that signs a concordat has become an arm of the government of God, which means that the Vatican will help it, giving it divine protection. Signing the concordat is Cardinal Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII). Second from left is Franz von Papen, a leading Nazi and devout Roman Catholic.


    Nazi sponsored celebration for Catholic Bishop Konrad von Preysing in the Sportpalast, Berlin, 8 Sept. 1935
    (He was named Bishop of Berlin on 5 July 1935, and installed on the following 31 August)
    Note the Christian chi-rho symbol on the screen at the back, behind the swastika banner.


    Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, head of the Diplomatic Corps, attending the Nuremberg Party Rally in September 1933


    Nazi Officers and cadets celebrating one of their regular Christian festivals - Chrismas 1941


    Catholic Youth Rally at the Berlin-Neuköln stadium, in August 1933
    (Catholic Priests never had any problems making Nazi salutes)


    Catholic Bishops giving the Nazi salute in honor of Hitler.
    With Joseph Goebbels (far right) and Wilhelm Frick (second from right). Frick was instrumental in the racial policy of Nazi Germany drafting laws against Jewish citizens, including the Nuremberg Laws in September 1935. Frick was later convicted of planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity. He was also implicated in setting up concentration camps.


    Cardinal Bertram and and other Catholic Churchmen attended by Nazi soldiers
    at the funeral procession for Bishop Bares, Berlin, 7 March 1935


    Nazi Brown Shirts leaving a Church service


    Photographs of General Franco, devout Catholic, and the Holy Relic he always carried around with him


    General Franco wearing his Roman Catholic Papal Order on his chest (1939 Spanish poster)


    Spanish Catholic Hierarchy and Nazis


    Photo gallery - Extreme Right Wing Catholic Ustashi

    The Croatian Ustashi state, set up immediately after the Nazi German invasion of Yugoslavia, was based on fanatical Catholicism, and run by a priest. Orthodox Christian Serbs who refused to convert to Catholicism were butchered in their villages, or at the Jasenovac death camp, or thrown into mountain crevasses. Hitler referred to the Ustashi as “Our Nazis.”


    A Roman Catholic priest forcibly "converting" a whole village of Orthodox Serbs.
    Jews, Moslems, Orthodox Christians, Protestants and other non-Catholics were traditionally given the choice of conversion, exile (with loss of possessions) or death.
    Father Ante Djuric, of the District of Dvor, in Serbia, opened his sermons in the following way: "The Orthodox of this District have only three ways out: to accept the Catholic faith, to move out, or to be cleansed with the 'metal broom'."


    Catholic Archbishop Stepinac and Papal Nuncio Marcone with a Nazi General following


    Catholic Saric with Nazi Ante Pavelic in Sarajevo


    Ante Pavelic with Catholic Nuns


    Catholic Archbishop Stepinac with Ustashi Nazis


    Hitler and Catholic Ante Pavelic, Nazi puppet ruler of Croatia


    Nazi puppet Ante Pavelic with Catholic Franciscan Monks


    Gold watches taken from Serb and Jewish victims and hidden in the residence of the Archbishop of Zagreb, where they were found after the retreat of the Ustashi.


    Catholic Archbishop Stepinac with Nazi Ante Pavelic,head of the Ustashi in Croatia


    Catholic Priest Jozef Tiso and Hitler


    Catholic Churches in Croatia held memorial masses for Nazi-leader Ante Pavelic


    Fathar Joseph Tiso, leading Nazi and President of Slovakia,
    responsible for setting up concentration camps. He was executed for his crimes in 1946.



    Was Hitler a Catholic?

    There is no doubt that Hitler was a Catholic.

    Strangely, many Catholic apologists now expend energy in trying to show that he was a pagan or an atheist, and therefore not a Catholic, or even a Christian.

    For a sample of the available evidence, see Hitler's beliefs



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    1. Uta Ranke-Heinemann, Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven, p 299.

    2. Scholder, A Requiem for Hitler, p 67.

    3. Scholder, A Requiem for Hitler, p 67.

    4. Scholder, A Requiem for Hitler, p 147 citing L. Volk, Akten Kardinal Michael von Faulhabers 1917-1945, vol. II, 1935-1945, Mainz 1978, p 185.

    5. Adolph Hitler, from a speech delivered April 12, 1922 in Bavaria, published in "My New Order" available in English from Octagon Books (1973) and Hippocrene Books (1973):

    "My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Saviour as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.

    "In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison.

    "Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross.

    "As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice...

    "And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly, it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. And when I look on my people I see them work and work and toil and labour, and at the end of the week they have only for their wages wretchedness and misery...

    6. Scholder, A Requiem for Hitler, p 172.

    7. Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 60, cited by Scholder, A Requiem for Hitler, p 173.

    8. Joachim Kahl, The Misery of Christianity, p 60 citing Friedreich Heer, Gottes Erste Liebe, Munich and Esslingen, 1967, Mittelalter, Zürich, 1964, p 406. Notes on the meeting between Hitler, Bishop Berning and Monsignor Steinmann: "Theme — common struggle against liberalism, socialism, bolshevism. Conversation had a very friendly tone. Hitler also says he will take no steps against the Jews that the Church has not taken in 1,500 years. Not opposed by prelates of the Church! Hitler says he is a Catholic and states discussions with Poles imminent, we need obedient soldiers — hence religious schools!"

    9. J I Kertzer, The Modern Use of Ancient Lies, The New York Times, 9 th May 2002.

    10. In 1976 the New Christian Crusade Church, based in Louisiana, printed "The Julius Streicher Memorial Edition" of the 1934 ritual murder edition. According to the introduction: "Julius Streicher, German educator, writer, and politician, in whose memory this paper was printed, was a victim of the horrible Talmudic Blood Rite known as the Nuremberg Trials .... We now proudly present to you, the reader, for the first time in English, this new edition of Julius Stricher's (sic) most famous issue of Der Sturmer (sic)." See http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/faculty/streich3.htm

    11. Scholder, A Requiem for Hitler, p 67.

    12. Speech of 12 th April 1922, cited in Norman H Baynes (ed), The Speeches of Adolf Hitler 1922-August 1939, 2 vols. (OUP, 1942), Vol 1, PP 19-20.

    13. Scholder, A Requiem for Hitler, PP 161 and 164, citing W. Adolph, Hirtenamt und Hitler-Diktatur ( Berlin, 1965), PP 16 ff.

    14. Scholder, A Requiem for Hitler, p 166, citing Archivum Archdiecejalne Wroclaw, Registratur I A 25, line 19, Fürstbishof Adolph Kardinal Bertram. (Cardinal Bertram was Archbishop of Breslau.)

    15. The refutation that follows is based not only on standard historical works but also on the personal accounts of those involved shown in a television programme in the UK: "Reputations" BBC2, 15 th January 1995.

    16. Joachim Kahl, The Misery of Christianity (English translation by N. D. Smith), Penguin Books, p 72.

    16a. Berger, Egon . 44 mjeseca u Jasenovcu. ("44 Months in Jasenovac"), (Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Hrvatske, 1966). p. 57.

    17. One notable monastery is the Bonaventura monastery in the Frascati hills of Rome, which protected a number of war criminals, including Adolf Eichmann, according to the Weisenthal Centre. The same monastery later provided accommodation to extradited war-criminals awaiting trial (such as Erich Priebke), an official commenting "Our policy is one of pardon". According to the Weisenthal Centre, Red Cross passports were obtained using documents provided by a number of Vatican committees set up ostensibly to help eastern European Catholics fearing persecution. See The Times of 23 rd July 1997 and The Sunday Telegraph of 27 th July 1997.

    18. Ante Pavelić, the founder of the Ustasha, was one of the war criminals who benefited from the Vatican's "ratline". He fled to Rome in 1946 and two years later appeared in Buenos Aires dressed as a priest and carrying a Red Cross passport. Another was Erich Priebke (deputy to the SS commandant in Rome, Herbert Kappler). He had escaped to Argentina, also carrying a Red Cross passport. He was extradited to Italy in 1995 and convicted in 1997. See TheTimes of 23 rd July 1997 and The Sunday Telegraph of 27 th July 1997.

    19. The existence of this "gold-line" was confirmed when the role of the Swiss banks in handling Nazi gold was exposed in 1997. A memo from a US Treasury agent Emerson Bigelow to Harold Glasser dated 21 st October 1946 reported what had happened to 350 million Swiss francs representing the value of gold and jewellery plundered by the Ustasha from 900,000 Jews, Serbs, gypsies and others. A consignment valued at 150 million Swiss francs had been intercepted by the British at the Austrian-Yugoslav border, and the remaining 200 million had reached the Vatican from where it was rumoured to have been processed through the Vatican's "pipeline" to Spain and Argentina. Details were widely reported in the international press in July 1997. See for example The Times of 23 rd July 1997 (" Vatican “acted as conduit for Nazi treasure” " and The Sunday Telegraph of 27 th July 1997 (" Vatican “used Nazi gold to help war criminals” ".

    20. "Vatican Churchmen “Helped Nazis Escape” ", The Independent, 6 th January 1988 citing Cardinal Franz König in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronath.

    21. International Herald Tribune, 21 September 2005, World News, p3, “Church rejects charge of harbouring war suspect”

    22. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4263426.stm

    23. "Out of France", The Independent, 6 th July 1988.

    24. "Fascist Farewell, with Armani Style", The Independent, 25 th May 1988.

    25. Scholder, A Requiem for Hitler, p 117 for the Protestant reaction.

    26;. Scholder, A Requiem for Hitler, p 138.

    27. Scholder, A Requiem for Hitler, p 139 quoting a letter from Adenauer to Pastor Bernhard Custis, 23 rd February 1946, cited in Adenauer, Briefe 1945-1947 (Letters 1945-1947), Rhöndorf Edition, Berlin 1983, PP 172 ff.

    28. Argyle and Beit-Hallahmi, The Social Psychology of Religion, p 106.

    28a. Wikipedia gives a current list of hate groups, almost all distinctly Christian in 2013, at List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups.

    29. The neo-Nazi website Stormfront has a whole section dedicated to the pro-Christian and anti-Semitic tradition with which it associates itself, talking about its “Christian Identity http://www.stormfront.org/posterity/13texan/ and making claims such as “Christ was Not a Jew” http://www.stormfront.org/posterity/13texan/christ.html. On the site you will find numerous quotations from the likes of Father Denis Fahey an anti-Semitic theology professor in Dublin (died in 1954) who thought that Stalin's Russia was a Jewish controlled state. Here are a couple of typical extracts " ...Bolshevism in its proper perspective, namely, as the most recent development in the age-long struggle waged by the Jewish Nation against ...Christ ..." (Father Denis Fahey, The Rulers of Russia, p. 48, quoted at http://www.stormfront.org/posterity/13texan/q651-700.htm, quote 671, and "The real forces behind Bolshevism is Russia are Jewish forces, and Bolshevism is really an instrument in the hands of the Jews for the establishment of their future Messianic kingdom." Father Denis Fahey; The Rulers of Russia, page 25: quoted by http://www.stormfront.org/posterity/13texan/q801-850.htm, quote 815.

    30. Tribe, 100 Years of Freethought, p 84.

    31. http://www.infonews.com/2013/02/13/sociedad-60904-la-justicia-ratifico-la-complicidad-de-la-iglesia-con-la-dictadura.php. This story was covered in the Spanish press, but hardly at all in the English press.
    See for example http://panamericanpost.blogspot.fr/

    Argentine Court: Church Complicit in 'Dirty War' Crimes
    In a historic ruling, an Argentine court has found that the country's Catholic Church was complicit in the human rights abuses committed by the military dictatorship that ruled Argentina from 1976 to 1983.

    As Argentina's InfoNews reports, the ruling was issued by a four-judge tribunal in the western province of La Rioja, which was presiding over the murder trials of Carlos de Dios Murias and Gabriel Longueville, two priests who had been killed in 1976. Both were active members of the Movement of Priests for the Third World, an association of progressive clergymen. After being detained by officials, their mutilated bodies were found dumped near train tracks in La Rioja.

    In addition to sentencing three military officials to life imprisonment for the crime, the tribunal found that the Catholic Church shared responsibility for the murders. The judges ruled that Church hierarchy in the country not only turned a blind eye to the torture, disappearances and extrajudicial killings committed by the military regime, but had in many cases colluded with authorities in order to target progressive priests. According to the tribunal's decision

    "This was not about isolated events taken out of context, committed by particular individuals. On the contrary, clearly, the murder of Murias and Longueville can be interpreted and understood precisely in the context of a systematic plan for the elimination of political opponents (...) Murias and Longueville were part of a church faction considered to be 'enemies' and 'targets.'"

    The judges also criticized the present-day Church for being unwilling to investigate crimes committed by its members under the military regime.





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