Any doctrine that will not bear honest
investigation is not a fit tenant for the mind of an
honest man.
Robert Ingersoll (1833-1899), Intellectual
We have already seen that there were disagreements among Christians
for many centuries over what material to include in the Bible.
We have also seen that important early Christian authorities
were prepared to suppress inconvenient material. Christian historians
also selected their information. Edward Gibbon said of Eusebius,
that he "indirectly confesses that he has related whatever
might redound to the glory, and that he has suppressed all that
could tend to the disgrace, of religion". From what we
know about the other Church Fathers, we have every reason to
believe that Eusebius was typical.
Traditionally Christians have held that the whole of the Bible
was divinely inspired. One might therefore expect that all of
it would be regarded as equally important, and efforts would
be made to understand all of it. Critics have frequently pointed
out that in practice the overwhelming majority of Christians
concentrate on a tiny minority of passages that bolster their
own views. Churches simply choose the passages they like and
ignore the ones they dislike. For example, congregations often
hear the Matthew version of the parable of the talents, a favourite
story, but they rarely hear the version in Luke 19:12-27. On
the rare occasions that the Luke version is read in church the
last verse is almost always left out, presumably because it
does not conform to the Church's current version of the
type of thing Jesus might say. The verse is:
But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign
over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
Christians read the Bible for themselves they are unlikely to
hear any but the same few passages over and over again each
Sunday. These passages are generally the most inspiring and
sympathetic to be found in the Bible. The vast majority of the
text is quite different. Much of it seriously offends modern
Christian sensibilities: God directing the killing of helpless
prisoners or innocent babies, arranging for concubines to be
fruitful, punishing people for other people's wrongdoing, or
promising to starve parents until they have to eat their own
babies. Nor do churchgoers hear much about God's shortcomings,
such as that failure to prevail against an enemy equipped with
iron chariots. In recent years some New Testament stories have
been taken off the annual reading rota as well. Churchgoers
do not hear nearly as much as they used to about people burning
in Hell for eternity, nor about St Paul blinding people , nor
about the sudden deaths of those who failed to live up to St
Peter's expectations.
As we have seen the "Church Fathers" are not reliable
authorities. Their writings cannot be cited in full because
they contain numerous errors, heresies and contradictions. The
solution is to select just those passages that suit. As one
eminent authority puts it:
The principal form of the argument from authority became
the florilegium or anthology of carefully selected excerpts
from orthodox fathers, designed to show that the unchanging
orthodox tradition was in accordance with the compiler's convictions. The makers of these collections of excerpts were
not always scrupulous about the integrity and authenticity
of their texts ...*
Until the last few years it has been virtually impossible to
find full translations of early Christian works. Translations
have always been of selected passages, which avoid uncomfortable
matters (the acceptability of what are now heresies and unacceptability
of what is now orthodoxy). Even influential medieval works were
almost impossible to find in translation: one can find selected
passages of St Thomas Aquinas for example, but until recently
it has been virtually impossible to obtain a full English translation
of his most important works, even though he has been the most
influential Christian writer since the Dark Ages. When translations
do exist, they are often by outsiders. For example Protestant
scholars have delighted for centuries in translating early material
detrimental to the Roman Church. In the nineteenth century translations
of works embarrassing even to Protestants were made by eminent
unbelievers. In the twentieth century translations have become
available through people such as Geza Vermes (a Jewish scholar)
at Oxford, John Allegro (an agnostic) at Manchester, and G.
A. Wells (a leading critic of Christianity). Other unexpurgated
material comes from the pens of clerics who hover on the fringes
of the Protestant Churches, and from priests and teachers who
have abandoned the Roman Church.
It was often difficult to find orthodox Fathers to support
the compiler's view of orthodoxy, so others were cited
by the Church even if they were unreliable. Thus, the most important
authorities include Tertullian and Origen, despite the fact
that both are now regarded as heretics. It is the same with
other authorities. As we have seen, orthodoxy does not depend
so much on the rulings of councils, as the status of councils
is determined by their agreement with current orthodoxy. From
the councils that have always been regarded as authoritative
it is still possible to select only those canons that suit current
tastes. Papal decretals too were selected as required. For example
the infallible views of Pope Celestine III on marriage were
edited out of a collection of decretals after a later pope disagreed
with them. The New Testament was assembled in the same way.
Early Christians wrote dozens of gospels, acts, epistles and
apocalypses, some of which became canonical, some of which did
not. Inconvenient ones were simply omitted from the canon. Of
writings in the canon the most convenient manuscript texts were
selected, and the most convenient translations of them adopted.
Roman Catholics and Protestants have been accusing each other
for centuries of having deliberately distorted biblical texts.
There are some distinct differences between Protestant and Roman
Catholic versions of the Bible. For example, in Protestant versions
Jesus has brothers, while in Roman Catholic ones he does not.
In Protestant versions bishops are required to be married; in
Roman Catholic ones they are not. Massive differences in doctrine
are reflected in subtly different translations. Are the Greek
words in 1 Corinthians 9:5 to be rendered as "Christian
woman" (as in the Jerusalem Bible) or as "believing
wife" (as in the NIV). It seems to depend upon whether
the Church to which the translator belongs favours clerical
marriage or not. According to one's preconceptions a word
can be translated as either priest or elder; another
as either church or congregation; and yet
another as either penance or repentance. The
choice seems to depend upon whether the translator needs to
justify an ecclesiastical hierarchy and an official Church,
and to recognise penance as a sacrament. Bibles are used to
confirm one's own position, and in the past have been commissioned
specifically to validate the beliefs of one denomination against
those of another. For example, an English version of the Roman
Catholic Vulgate Bible (the Douay-Rheims Bible) was written
during the Reformation specifically to counter the Protestants"
Geneva Bible.
Another selective technique is that of bundling. This can be
used to remove embarrassing superfluities. We have already seen
the 16 or more named apostles in the New Testament being converted
into the canonical Twelve by making out that some of them had
two or more names. Two or three different women were rolled
together to give us the familiar Mary Magdalene. Very different
places such as Sheol, Gehenna, Abaddon, Hades and Tarsus can
all be rolled together to produce Hell. Many Jewish gods can
be fused together to provide a single God, and many other supernatural
beings combined to give a single Satan.
The same sort of selectivity is applied to the accounts of
visionaries. Because visionaries often experience multiple visions,
and because some of these contain material that is not acceptable
for one reason or another, it is common for their stories to
be heavily selected. Thus for example, not everyone was convinced
by Jean-Jacques Olier (founder of the seminary of St Sulpice)
when he announced that the 15-year-old Virgin Mary was occupying
his soul. Even those who had heard about these visits were unlikely
to know that he had been "subject to psychological disturbances
for several years"*.
Accounts of Maria d"Agreda's visions often leave out
the more questionable claims, and also the fact that her original
account had been placed on the Index*.
After her Miraculous Medal vision in 1830, Catherine Labouré
"suffered from strange periods of amnesia, when she could
not remember any details of what she had seen .... "*.
When urged by the Archbishop of Paris to appear before an official
inquiry in 1836, she declined. Yet millions of faithful admirers
are unaware either of this or of the string of unlikely visions
that she had experienced before her Miraculous Medal.
It is often repeated that Bernadette Soubirous (the Lourdes
visionary) miraculously discovered a spring, but not so many
accounts mention the fact that this spring was already well
known to local people. The spectacular failure of expected healing
miracles is also edited out of most accounts. So is the rather
bizarre incident when Bernadette started eating mud and grass.
Accounts of the visions at La Salette in 1846 tend to minimise
the odder parts of the story as it was later reported
for example that the visionaries (two shepherd children) initially
mistook a beautiful transparent lady in medieval court dress,
bathed in light and sporting a halo, for a local woman escaping
her family. Neither is it mentioned that the Vision might not
have been quite as beautiful, transparent, lady-like or awe-inspiring
as claimed in these accounts, since it is known that a deranged
local woman liked to dress up like the Virgin Mary and parade
around the hills. Neither do the faithful hear much about Mary's promises that stones and rocks would turn into wheat, or that
the fields would sow themselves with potatoes. Again, the fact
that one of the La Salette visionaries (Mélanie Calvat)
subsequently abandoned her vocation as a nun is underplayed,
and so is the fact that she went on to receive many more exciting
visions and revelations. Neither do the faithful often hear
that the other visionary, Maximin Giraud, failed to become a
priest, went on to market a liqueur called "Salette",
and subsequently admitted that the whole thing had been a fraud.
Fátima in Portugal, Mary made the mistake of confirming
a doctrine that has now become unpopular. She confirmed to the
principal visionary, Lucia dos Santos, the reality of traditional
hellfire and Purgatory. Lucia "asked about the fate of
two .... children who had died. The lady answered that one of
them was in Heaven, but the other was in Purgatory “till
the end of the world”". This was once quite acceptable
theology, but not any more, hence in many books this answer
has been suppressed*. Further
problems were presented by the simultaneous appearance of the
Holy Child and Christ, who Lucia seems to have thought were
two different people. Yet another element to be edited out was
the promise that the war then being fought (World War I) would
end on 13 th October 1917 wrong by more than a year.
It is common for arguments to be followed only as far as proves
convenient. As soon as they start leading to inconvenient conclusions
they are abandoned. Thus the Roman Church selectively ignores
an argument that justifies divorce when its scope is found to
be too wide. Coitus interruptus was traditionally prohibited
on the grounds that God required semen to be deposited in a
vagina. Only then could the Church recognise that valid sexual
intercourse had taken place, since the Church required not merely
penetratio but also inseminatio. Thus a couple
who had undergone a marriage ceremony but always practised coitus
interruptus were not legally married, since semen had not
been deposited in the required place. It followed that such
marriages could be dissolved, as indeed many have been. The
use of condoms presented a similar problem. If a condom was
used then valid sexual intercourse could not occur, since there
was no inseminatio. Without inseminatio a
marriage contract was voidable. It followed that any married
couple who had always used condoms should be able to have their
marriage annulled, just like couples who had practised coitus
interruptus. However, presumably because it would make
divorce much easier to obtain for ordinary Roman Catholic couples,
this argument is not accepted, even though the logic is identical
to that used in the case of coitus interruptus , and
no coherent counterargument has ever been articulated.
Another old favourite was the "natural argument".
Things that God was held to approve of were considered natural.
Things that he was supposed to disapprove of were labelled unnatural.
For example slavery was natural and therefore acceptable, because
God approved of it. On the other hand homosexuality was unnatural
and therefore sinful, because God disapproved of it. So was
atheism, so was democracy, so was the idea of women in positions
of authority, and so on. This sort of argument was popular until
recent times: if God had wanted us to do something, he would
have arranged for it to be "natural". Early train
passengers were criticised on the grounds that if God had meant
us to travel at such speeds he would have provided flat ground,
tracks and engines. If God had wanted us to smoke he would have
given us chimneys. If he had wanted us to fly he would have
given us wings. These arguments always suffered from weaknesses.
If God had wanted men to be clean-shaven, he would not have
caused hair to grow on their faces (popular with Tertullian,
less popular when beards went out of fashion). If God had wanted
us to go around without clothes on, he would have caused us
to be born naked. That one had to be explained away by reference
to the Garden of Eden (God authorised clothes for Adam and Eve
after the Fall). If God had wanted us to use buttons he would
have provided us with them. That argument was popular when buttons
first came into use in Western Christendom, but is now a minority
position held onto only by some Mennonites.
In 1828, the School Board of Lancaster,
Ohio, USA, replied to some men who had asked permission
to use of the school house to debate questions around
a proposed transcontinental railroad. Their response
reflected the traditional belief that the Bible was
not only 100% accurate, but also 100% comprehensive.
(This was three years after the Stockton to Darlingling
railway had been opened)
You are welcome to the use of the school house
to debate all proper questions, but such things
as railroads and telegraphs are impossibilities
and rank infidelity. There is nothing in the Word
of God about them. If God had designed that His
intelligent creatures should travel at the frightful
speed of 15 miles an hour, by steam, He would clearly
have foretold it through His holy prophets. It is
a device of Satan to lead immortal souls down to
hell. |
Generally the "If God had wanted ..." argument was
applied only where it led to acceptable conclusions: "If
God had wanted us to live in houses.... " was not pursued
while "If God had wanted us to meddle in science.... "
was, and still is. "If God had wanted us to go to the Moon
..." was popular in the second half of the twentieth century
and can still be heard in the twenty first. Sometimes the arguments
are dropped when they are found to lead to the "wrong"
conclusion. For example, until the early twenty-first century
it was common to hear Christians claiming that homosexuality
was unnatural. God had not created homosexuals, they had made
a sinful life-choice. When it turned out that a predisposition
to homosexuality has a genetic component one might have expected
the argument to switch 180 degrees. If homosexuality is natural
after all, because God has created certain genes that cause
a disposition towards homosexuality, then there should be mainstream
Christians using the following argument in favour of homosexuality
“God has created homosexuals so we should not condemn
homosexuality”. There is, however, a distinct shortage
of traditionalist preachers proclaiming that homosexuality is
natural and therefore acceptable because God is responsible
for it.
Critics have noted that like the “natural argument”,
other arguments appear to be designed to justify existing beliefs,
and that inconvenient corollaries have to be ignored. A favourite
argument, used until recently in almost all Churches and still
used by some conservative ones, is that Jesus chose only men
to be his disciples so only men could be priests. But this is
a dangerous path, since it is necessary to ignore parallel arguments.
For example we can use parallel arguments to establish that
only married, Aramaic-speaking, circumcised, Middle Eastern,
Jewish manual workers should be ordained.
the best arguments demonstrating the need for selectivity concern
the consumption of alcohol. Any straight reading of the bible
confirms God's approval for drinking alcohol. When God almost
exterminated the human race, he kept alive only one family:
Noah's, a family of vintners. Jesus himself reputedly turned
water into wine for a wedding party. There are many explicit
examples of alcohol being recommended in the Bible*
Since early times Christians have drunk wine in the belief
that they were following Jesus" own instructions. Yet numerous
Christian sects opposed to alcohol contrived meanings out of
the Bible that are diametrically opposed to the plain reading
of the text. While the Bible criticises those who drink to excess,
there is nothing advocating abstention just the opposite
“Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy
stomach's sake and thine often infirmities” ( 1 Timothy
5:23). Yet millions of Puritans, Methodists, Baptists, Salvationists
and other dissenters somehow convinced themselves that the Bible
was wholeheartedly opposed to the buying, selling and consumption
of alcoholic drinks. Many millions still believe this, though
it flies in the face of any honest reading of the text. Temperance
campaigners claimed that the wine referred to in the Bible with
approval was merely unfermented grape juice (a claim that has
no basis and which cannot be reconciled with Mark 2:22)
This sort of unsustainable assertion is not at all unusual.
Thousands of Christian sects manage to sustain thousands of
contradictory positions on all manner of subjects by the expedient
of selecting the texts and interpretations that suit them and
dismissing all the others.
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